Posted on Wed, 07/01/2020 - 19:12 by iamdan

Feeder 2.2: Science Podcast Script

Use a word processor or text editor to compose a script for your science podcast. The script can be a mix of directions and the actual text of the narration you want to include in the essay.

Direction segments might be something like: [Insert interview clip with Dr. Fauci discussing aerosol transmission] or [play typewriter sound effect].

Posted on Wed, 07/01/2020 - 18:06 by iamdan

Unit 2 Project: Science Podcast

Create an audio essay that explores the significance of either 1) a current controversy in a natural science discipline or 2) a scientific concern currently of interest to society.

Using the topic you have chosen, create a podcast episode. The episode should be about five minutes in length and  include audio samples that bring research or other relevant materials into the audio piece. Here are some big picture aspects of the project. It should be

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