Twitter Report Step 6

Posted on Mon, 06/29/2020 - 12:50 by iamdan

Today, we will work on updating and revising all of the materials for our first unit.

Here are details related to each:

Feeder 1.1 Twitter analysis.

Start by looking over these examples:

After you have looked over the examples above, read the comments on your draft.

Finally, revise your spreadsheet. Add new columns if there are other aspects of the tweets you want to interpret. Perform cleanup, and then create new visuals. Aim to have visuals as clean and well labeled as possible; be sure to remove any typos, empty entries, etc. When finished, post a final version of your spreadsheet and visuals.

Feeder 1.2 Bibliography

Start by looking over these examples:

After you have looked over these examples, check the comments on posting. If a suggestion for additional kinds or sources or for expanding an area of focus is made, see if you can find an additional item to add. If suggestions for cleanup or other change have been offered, identify those corrections.

Finally, revise your bibliography and submit the final version.

Unit 1 Project

Step one, assessing needs and posting a comment

Open your report posting, and read through the comments of all of your reviewers.

Compose a response:

  • List at least two but not more than four non-surface-level suggestions that you glean from all of the reviews.
  • Next, open your report draft and read it over again, keeping the suggestions in mind.  For now, focus on the non-surface-level issues. In the comment box on your posting, discuss the changes you plan to make that will make the report stronger.
  • Next, think about your visuals and work with tweets, List revisions to your coding (new categories if needed) and to your visuals that will extend the analysis in the paper or make the visual more compelling.
  • Finally, think about document formatting issues related to your paper. In the comment box, make a checklist of items to clean up in the revision.

Step two, revising the final versionAfter you have reworked your twitter analysis and visuals, revised your bibliography, and read feedback and written a comment with revision plans, turn to composing the final version of your report.

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