Posted on Tue, 06/23/2020 - 15:02 by iamdan

Twitter Report Step 2

Today, our main task will be to begin the process of identifying codes and categories for our analysis of tweets. Hopefully, you have made good progress with a topic and corpus of tweets related to a hashtag. If you are still fine tuning the initial stages of collecting tweets, make sure to complete that so that you have a spreadsheet ready.

We will be undertaking three steps. You can either watch the video tutorials with steps recorded or work through the instructions below.

1.) Setting up your "corpus" and constraining or narrowing down the corpus of tweets.

Posted on Mon, 06/22/2020 - 16:20 by iamdan

Unit 1 Project Twitter Report

Submit a report of four to five pages (double spaced, 12pt font) in which you discuss a community by analyzing discourse on Twitter. You should also connect the analysis with a broader concern or topic. You might--for instance--examine discourse linked with the hashtag #antivaxx in terms of vaccine misinformation or religious freedom. The hashtag and topic should resonate with and inform each other. You will use primary and secondary research to support the analysis. You will also provide support by analyzing tweet data associated with the hashtag.

Posted on Mon, 06/22/2020 - 16:14 by iamdan

Feeder 1.2 Annotated Bibliography

Create an annotated bibliography of five or more sources related to your Twitter community report. Begin by conducting research using the library Web site. Be sure that at least two of your sources come from academic journals. It's a good idea to collect more than five sources so that you can winnow down your list to the most valuable items.

Once you have identified five sources to use in your report, follow these steps:

Posted on Sun, 06/21/2020 - 19:43 by iamdan

Baby We Were Born to Tweet

Read the online article at the link below, and then post a comment. In your comment, first, share your overall impressions of the article and the research it describes. Next, reflect on the initial thinking your have done about topics of concern on twitter and hashtags, and then share your thoughts on adjectives that might be used to describe one of the conversations related to a topic. Feel free to read and respond to the comments of others as well. Post your comment at the bottom of this page after reading this article:

Posted on Sun, 06/21/2020 - 19:31 by iamdan

Twitter Report Step 1


To get started complete the following steps:

1. Work with Twitter: Create or make sure you have access to a Twitter account. We will not be tweeting related to this class, but you will need it for our first research project.

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