Twitter Report Step 5

Posted on Sun, 06/28/2020 - 16:43 by iamdan

Today we will spend our time conducting peer review activities for our first paper assignment. You will read and respond to the papers of three of your classmates.  Follow these steps:

1.) Read through the paper once, and then return to the paper and read it again with the aim of responding to these prompts:

  • Does the report analyze and offer insights into the Twitter community studied? What might be revised to strengthen the focus on the community?
  • Does the report connect the Twitter conversation to a topic of social interest? How focused is the topic of social interest? How might the connections between the Twitter conversations and the topic be strengthened?
  • Based on the visuals in the report, what edits might be made to the Twitter analysis to reveal more details about the  community? How might the codes and the spreadsheet itself be reworked to improve the visuals?
  • Does the format serve the purpose of the report? How might the sections, heading, and other aspects of the report be adjusted to improve organization or readability? Are there missing elements--e.g., a bibliography--or elements that need correction?
  • What final comments and big picture suggestions do you have to strengthen the paper?

3.) As you  consider these prompts, open the posting of your peer on our web site and add a comment. In your comment write two-three sentences about each of these prompts.

4.) Once you have completed one review, move on the the others that you have been assigned.



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