Video Poem Step 2

Posted on Fri, 07/17/2020 - 11:56 by iamdan

Today we begin the process of working on our video remixes of our poems. This will be a somewhat technical component of the project, so we will start with a low-stakes experiment to learn how to use two tools. Follow the steps below:

Step 1, learn to rip video, and then gather materials. Download and learn to use the Snagit screen capturing program. We will use a fifteen day trial version of this screen capturing software to capture visual materials for our video poems. Once you have downloaded the trial, you can use it capture video for your project. Watch this tutorial for the basics:


You will also need to find compelling visual footage--usually on YouTube or Vimeo. Use the Snagit program to capture the following items:

  • About twenty seconds of time-lapsed footage showing an aspect of nature
  • About twenty seconds of footage showing an aspect of cities
  • About twenty seconds that features people
  • About twenty seconds that features weather

Save all four of these clips as mp4 files to your computer in a folder. (You can also gather additional clips if you want.)

Also, using one of these (or another) site that has free to use audio, download an mp3 file with ambient music to the same folder. (You may have to right-click or control-click on a Mac to download.)

You should end up with at leas four video clips and one music clip. Once you have them captured in your folder, you can move on.

Step 2, learn to compose basic videos 

For this experimental video that you compose over the weekend, you will learn to use the basic moves in Adobe Rush. There are many tutorials on line as well as from Adobe. Your should also watch this video, which explains how to use the program in terms of our assignment:


After you have watched the video, use the Adobe Rush program to make your own experiment. If you have trouble with the Adobe Rush program and the UNC version of Creative Cloud, you should call 919-962-HELP or chat with the support people at Follow these steps:

Think about this poem:

The Red Wheelbarrow

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white

Open Adobe Rush, and navigate to the folder in where you have downloaded your media. Import a clip and start editing.

Import more items as you compose. Add titles to deliver the text of the poem. Add music. Do some polishing to fine tune the pacing.

When finished, export (Share) the poem as an mp4 file, and then share it.

Work quickly, but also try to put together a compelling piece.

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