Feeder 1.2 Annotated Bibliography

Posted on Mon, 06/22/2020 - 16:14 by iamdan

Create an annotated bibliography of five or more sources related to your Twitter community report. Begin by conducting research using the library Web site. Be sure that at least two of your sources come from academic journals. It's a good idea to collect more than five sources so that you can winnow down your list to the most valuable items.

Once you have identified five sources to use in your report, follow these steps:

  • Create a bibliography list of the five sources using APA style. You can find information on APA style in the Tarheel Writing Guide or at this link.
  • For each item in the list, compose a two or three sentence summary. In your summary, highlight the focus and coverage of the research source.
  • For each item in the list compose one or two sentences detailing how  the source might connect with the conversations in your community report. 
  • Check over the entries to make sure they are formatted properly and that the annotations are clear and correct.

Submit your bibliography using the Feeder 1.2 Twitter Community Report Bibliography option on our web site by 9:45AM on Saturday, 6-27

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