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Feeder 1.1 Tweet Coding and Visualizations

This large feeder assignment asks you to collect and then analyze a series of tweets related to a social science topic or a contemporary concern or controversy. Before getting started make sure… Read full assignment

Feeder 1.2 Annotated Bibliography

Create an annotated bibliography of five or more sources related to your Twitter community report. Begin by conducting research using the library Web site. Be sure that at least two of your… Read full assignment

Unit 1 Project Twitter Report

Submit a report of four to five pages (double spaced, 12pt font) in which you discuss a community by analyzing discourse on Twitter. You should also connect the analysis with a broader concern or… Read full assignment

Feeder 2.1: Science Podcast Bibliography

For this assignment, you will create an annotated bibliography of sources and media clips that will support your podcast project. Before beginning, be sure to review… Read full assignment

Feeder 2.2: Science Podcast Script

Use a word processor or text editor to compose a script for your science podcast. The script can be a mix of directions and the actual text of the narration you want to include in the essay.… Read full assignment

Unit 2 Project: Science Podcast

Create an audio essay that explores the significance of either 1) a current controversy in a natural science discipline or 2) a scientific concern currently of interest to society.

Using… Read full assignment

Feeder 3.1 Poetry Identification and Resources

For this feeder assignment, you will identify a poem that you want to analyze for this unit. Follow these steps:

Identifying a poem. The poem should be something that has… Read full assignment

Feeder 3.2 Poetry Research and Explication

Compose a 2-3 page essay in which you situate a poem within a broader scholarly context, and then present an interpretation of the poem. The essay will have two key components:

Unit 3 Project: Poetry Adaptation Video

Use a video editor to create an interpretation and analysis of a poem. This assignment will differ from a typical poetry analysis activity in that the final results of your work will be delivered… Read full assignment

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