Feeder 1.1 Tweet Coding and Visualizations

Posted on Mon, 06/22/2020 - 14:58 by iamdan

This large feeder assignment asks you to collect and then analyze a series of tweets related to a social science topic or a contemporary concern or controversy. Before getting started make sure you have an active account on Twitter.

You will also need a google account with access to your google drive. 

Your first task will be to identify the hashtag that you want to study. Once you have a hashtag in mind, you will collect tweets using a google spreadsheet. The instructions are posted in the Daily Task for 6-23.

The task for 6-24 will detail all of the steps necessary for the analyzing of the spreadsheet. Here are the basics:

Once you have your spreadsheet in place, you will want to develop a constraint that will limit the number of tweets to be analyzed in your spreadsheet. If you were analyzing tweets related to the hashtag #measles, for instance, you might limit your data set to a 24 hour period. You might decide to eliminate all retweets. Or to explore only retweets to look for patterns. Come up with a way of limiting the number of tweets you will be coding. Your limited set of tweets should have between 100 and 300 tweets. It's possible you will have the opposite problem of not having enough tweets, in which case you may need to allow a bit more time to collect tweets, or consider changing hashtags, or do a comparison of two or more hashtags.

Next, adjust a copy of your spreadsheet to be easier to use, deleting unnecessary columns. Eventually, you will add columns to represent your coding terms. Again, this will be covered in the Daily Task for 6-24.

Next, read through the data, developing on scratch paper or through some other method an initial set of codes. Let the codes evolve as you work through the data.

Revise your codes, coming up with between roughly five and seven categories that can be used to help understand the way the tweets might represent your community or be understood.

Next, read through all the tweets in the spreadsheet, adding the appropriate codes to the code column.

Next, create some graphs or charts representing the frequencies of the codes. Also explore the visuals in your original TAGS spreadsheet. Insert chart images in your spreadsheet, and then save them as images or screenshots. Save visuals from the TAGS sheet as well if helpful.

When you have completed the coding of all of your limited set of tweets and created several visuals, save your materials. 

When finished, submit all of the materials using our Feeder 1.1 Twitter Analysis and Visualizations posting. You will upload a draft of your analysis by 9:45AM on Friday, 6-26

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