Feeder 2.2: Science Podcast Script

Posted on Wed, 07/01/2020 - 19:12 by iamdan

Use a word processor or text editor to compose a script for your science podcast. The script can be a mix of directions and the actual text of the narration you want to include in the essay.

Direction segments might be something like: [Insert interview clip with Dr. Fauci discussing aerosol transmission] or [play typewriter sound effect].

Narration segments should provide a transcript of what you will say into the microphone. For these sections, aim for a good balance of tone that is not overly formal, but that also has direction and is not too improvisational. Also, tighten the language as much as possible. Shorter is almost always better when trying to articulate a phrase in an audio essay, so edit for concision. Revisit our Text to Audio reading as you draft your script.

You will need to do preliminary work thinking about the topic, the structure, the kinds of materials you can include, etc. The script, then, can be a map of how these pieces will be laid out in the essay, as well as a text that will guide your narration.

Use the Feeder 2.2 Science Podcast Script option and upload your draft by Wednesday, July 8th at 9:45AM.

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