A revised video poem for the poem "This is Just to Say". I switched imagery and also added some more audio. I wanted to try something out of the box and go…
My poem is from the perspective of a mother who's child endures physical struggles as a result of his seizures. And throughout the poem she speaks in many…
To revise my poem, I decided to get rid of the change in tone halfway and stick to the original, calming theme. I also made edits to the text display and…
This is an e-poem of the "The Sky" by Alfred Kreymborg. The text is rather metaphorical, but I use a mix of still images and short video clips to illustrate…
Fire and Ice is a poem by Robert Frost that is focused on two elements of nature, fire and ice, that are a polar opposites yet have the same destructive…
Elaine Equi's "Earth, You Have Returned to Me" is a poem that describes the struggles one faces when overcoming an addiction. This video shares a first-…