
Posted on Fri, 01/25/2019 - 15:22 by iamdan

Today, we will look at a couple of video poem samples, and then conduct a brief writing exercise to reflect on our experiences so far with our video poems. Follow these steps:

From our web site, choose Add Content, and then Reflection. In the reflection posting respond to these three prompts:

  • What were some of the most compelling strategies or aspects of the video poems that you have reviewed so far?
  • Based on your experiences so far, what are some of the elements that make a video poem successful?
  • Having looked at some video poems and reviewed others, what plans do you have for revising your own video poem?

We will spend about five minutes composing a reflection based on these prompts.

Next, we will review some of the aspects of visual rhetoric that were covered in our reading.

Once we have discussed some of the images and explored some of their design strategies, we will go over the first part of our next assignment.

For homework:

1. Identify (or create) your Instagram user name, and then edit your profile on the class web site: when logged in to the class web site, select your name at the top, and then edit. Once you have opened your profile, fill in the field that asks for your Instagram, address. This will be the instagram URL, followed by your username (e.g., https://www.instagram.com/realiamdan/) You can get your address, by logging in to the instagram web site and the clicking on the profile icon at the top right. 

Before class on Monday, also make sure that you have downloaded Photoshop to you laptop--use the Creative Cloud tools you have already installed. (You can use an alternative image editor if it has similar capacities.)

Before class on Monday, also complete this reading assignment.