
Posted on Wed, 03/06/2019 - 01:56 by Daniel Anderson

Today we will start by going over our portfolio assignment, which is due on the day of the final.

We will first focus on script writing strategies for audio essays. We will start by looking at an example. We can also look at revision suggestions.

And we'll listen to the final result:

Next, we will work together to refine and finalize our audio essay topics and plans: Follow these steps:

Begin with work you have done narrowing down a broad topic into sub-topics and exploring the focus of your audio essay. Zoom in to the most narrow topic you can related to your subject. Think of specific aspects, controversies, and questions related to the subject and the narrow topic.

Next, with this narrow topic in mind, add a comment to this posting listing three questions that shed light on interesting aspects of your topic. Phrase these as "research questions," questions that open up possibilities for further exploration.

After you have posted three research questions, look over the research questions of at least four classmates, and post a reply with your thoughts on what sounds interesting and ideas for exploring one of the questions in an audio essay.

Once you have posted your questions and shared feedback on four others, you can focus on composing your script.

For homework, make sure you have completed the reading assignment, From Print to Audio, and submit the draft of your script. The script draft should be about 400-600 and no more than 800 words and have undergone some editing and revision on your part before you submit it. You can have until Sunday March 10th at 10:00AM to submit the script.


Logan Membrino

Why is it that readers have abandoned print literature in favor of electronic literature?

Does the rise of shorter electronic literature reflect a change in humans attention span?

Has the ease of access to electronic literature caused people to abandon traditional print literature?

Ariana Ceja Sotelo

In reply to by Logan Membrino

I really like your last question, I think that access is an important point that should be considered in almost every topic, but for yours, in particular, it is important. You can talk about lack of access versus having access and the different effects of each within your topic. 

Will Gollnick

In reply to by Logan Membrino

Your second question seems really intriguing. I think the shift towards much shorter literature in the modern day is a really unique topic to get some analysis from. It'll also be interesting to see how electronic literature affects print literature's popularity.


In reply to by Logan Membrino

I thought your questions were really good! I liked the second one the best and think it would make a good audio clip because it is very specific and relevant to the effects of multimedia composition. 


What impact does audio have on video game emersion? 

Can you imagine playing a game without sound?

How does audio effect the atmosphere of a game?

Ariana Ceja Sotelo

In reply to by MarlonM

Your topic is very narrow, which is good because I can sense a focus. I think that for the second question, it is up to the individual so you might have trouble finding research on it that isn't opinion based, but that's not necessarily a huge deal. But if you think that's not the direction you want to take it in, I would change it a little bit. 

Logan Membrino

In reply to by MarlonM

I like how your topic is narrow. I think that your first question with video game emersion is a good one to ask. I would think about including some video game audio into your essay. 

Will Gollnick

In reply to by MarlonM

I think audio plays a really large role in immersing the individual in a given experience. The effects of audio will be interesting to learn more about, and I think these are great questions to really focus in on and learn more about.

Will Gollnick

Topic: Literacy

1. How does illiteracy among adults affect their children?

2. How does constantly changing technology affect older generations that aren't as familiar with the use of newer tech?

3. Has global literacy improved among 3rd world countries in recent decades?


In reply to by Will Gollnick

I'd be interested to see you uncover what 1,3 offer. Both are interesting topics and would shed light on if/how we can make literacy more commonplace worldwide. 

Ariana Ceja Sotelo

In reply to by Will Gollnick

I find your third question very interesting. You could even go as far as comparing the changes in literacy in developing countries versus the changes in the US or other developed countries. 


Topic: Human Cognition

1. Has the use of electronics shortened people's attention spans?

2. Is it possible to be multi-tasking and still focused?

3. How big of a role does sleep play in focus and memory formation?

Will Gollnick

In reply to by pearcelandry

These questions should definitely point you in the right direction. I think looking into the idea of being focused while multi-tasking could provide some pretty interesting results.

Logan Membrino

In reply to by pearcelandry

I like your questions about attention span and multitasking. I think that either one of the questions will work, I would narrow in your focus to a specific part of human cognition whether it is multi-tasking, attention span or sleep. 




In reply to by pearcelandry

I'd agree that the second question seems the most interesting to look into. Everyone is always trying to multitask nowadays, and I think exploring how this impacts focus would be fun to work with in an audio essay.

Eron Lutterman

How do the words we say in our day to day life affect the way we think?


Do we see a difference in the cognitive process from language to language?


Does the language we speak change the way we think?

Logan Membrino

In reply to by Eron Lutterman

I really like the last question you wrote. I feel that if you researched different languages and those individuals thought processes the essay could be really interesting.


For my audio clip I will be talking about attention spans and how social media posts (memes/gifs) have influenced peoples ability to remain attentive to things. 


1. What aspects of social media compositions (meme/gifs) lead to shorter attention spans?

2. How does the constant availability of new social media compositions lead to shorter attention spans?

3. Have people favored electronic literacy leading to shorter attention spans? 


In reply to by KaylieG

I like your second question the best. It seems known that electronic literature and social media's ready availability have shortened peoples' attention span, but looking into the why should make for a great essay.


What form of media do most viral memes succeed on?

What does this say about our society as a whole? (For example, if most viral memes exist on Twitter, what does this say about our society; maybe we are living in a "fomo" driven society that needs the instantaneous updates that Twitter provides)

Why do people share memes?


In reply to by bryannacameron

I'm interesting in learning about question 3. I've always thought that meme culture centered on humor and expressed little about cultural phenomena, so I'd be interested in learning the answer.


In reply to by bryannacameron

I like the question about what memes say about our society as a whole. I'm doing memes too, and I hadn't thought about that question!


In reply to by bryannacameron

I really like your first two questions. I think it would be interesting to see the similarities/differences in the content of viral memes across multiple social media platforms (and what that says about people).

Will Gollnick

In reply to by CourtneyNSpencer

Your last question is my personal favorite. The history of memes is pretty interesting, and I'll be curious to see what your thoughts are on their future. The science behind humor also seems to be a really compelling topic.


In reply to by CourtneyNSpencer

I like your last question the most of the three as well. I think it would be interesting to see what people think the next stage will be in meme culture. Maybe look at what factors could continue their growth or make them fall off as a trend?


In reply to by CourtneyNSpencer

I really enjoy the part you added about "where are memes going". I think it would be really interesting to find out what happens to memes after they've gone viral, such as someone like the "Yodel Kid" from Walmart.



  1. How has the roles of women changed from early cinema to the present?
  2. How has the notions of race changed throughout the history of cinema?
  3. Has cinema as a cultural agent been a positive or negative influence?
Ariana Ceja Sotelo

In reply to by jaquezponton

I like that you focus on racialization and gendering of the space. I think it will be interesting to see the changes that have happened within those spaces. You'll be able to find a lot of information and examples for both of those. As far as your third question, are you looking for a definite answer or both sides? I see it working out better if you do the latter. 


In reply to by jaquezponton

I'd be interested in learning more about question 3. Often, I feel like cinema tends to act as a cultural agent far too obviously, which can turn people from there message. Maybe a subtle approach would be more fruitful? I'd be interested in learning more.


In reply to by jaquezponton

This is a great topic. I'd love to see you focus on one particular genre of cinema that maybe is dominated by men-such as action movies.


1) What factors contribute most to the success of the meme?

2) How have memes changed the way our brains process things in our everyday lives?

3) Why has there recently been such a widespread cultural acceptance of memes?


What new ways of interacting with media does virtual media bring?

How may these be used to improve the reader's interaction with the media?

How important are these compared to more traditional methods present in both digital and analog (film/books/music/etc.) media?


Topic: Personal branding and the power of an online presence 

1. How does personal branding and a professional online presence (personal website etc.) impact your job opportunities?

2. Should your social media presence reflect your personal or professional life?

3. How would high school curriculums that include website building give students a competitive edge in the job market?  


In reply to by IsabelHewgley

I love these questions. Another interesting question that might go along with question 1 would be "how do we brand ourselves without even realizing".


Topic: Sound in Cinema

1. How can a soundtrack/film score affect the scene?

2. How does silence in films contribute to a more dramatic impact?

3. How are the sounds that we hear in movies "made"?


In reply to by natecho

I think an example would work really well with the first question. I think providing maybe a good use of film score and a bad use of film score could really enhance this.


What is the constant use of screens, specifically smartphone apps and social media, doing to our brains?

1. What is the effect of the endlessly scrolling through information on social media/apps doing to us?

2. What are the mental effects of this addiction? - Is it making us unhappy? Is it making us more stressed?

3. Is it killing our ability to focus and shortening our attention spans? - Is it making us less productive?