
Posted on Wed, 02/20/2019 - 02:10 by Daniel Anderson

Today we will quickly review a couple of our social media postings. We will then make sure that everyone know the steps needed to submit the storyboard by Friday. These include:

  1. Reviewing the assignment
  2. Completing the reading for today
  3. Downloading the storyboard template
  4. Uploading your storyboard before class on Friday

Once we have done these reviews, we will practice performing and capturing activities on the screen. I will give a brief demonstration, and then everyone will complete these steps:

Quit out of most of your applications. Leave open the web browser you have been using the capture the screen; and get ready to capture the screen.

Piece 1. Open a new window on that browser and then navigate to one of these videos (or something similar that you like): 




Resize that web browser so that only the video shows. Queue it up to play.

Piece 2. Create a new folder on your desktop--call it something like pixel chips or dancing images or whatever you like.

Go to this page (http://altscholarship.com/makemedia/media/56) and download all of the images to the folder you just made. 

Open a new window on your web browser. Look through the folder of images and decide what sequence you want and if you want to leave any out; one-by-one drag the images onto the browser window. Use a keyboard shortcut (cmd-arrow; ctrl-arrow) to move through the images in the browser.

Piece 3. Look for the basic text editor on your laptop (Wordpad or Notepad for PC; Textedit for Mac; you can also use Sticky Notes) and open a new document. Change the font to something at least size 22.

Arrangement: Switch to the browser that has the images and try to make sure its size matches the image and creates a nice background. Arrange the browser with the video above the images and resize it smaller than the images. Arrange the text editor window above the background images and resize it smaller than the images. Adjust the size and arrangement to your liking. 

Practice: Experiment with the keyboard shortcuts for switching between applications and windows (alt-tab for PC; cmd-tab or cmd-~ for MAC). Get a feel for moving between the materials. Experiment with moving through the sequence of images. Play the video clip and experiment with timing. Get a sense of how you want to perform.

Record. Turn on your screen recorder and capture the region around the web browser with the images. Capture system sound as well. With the recorder running, play the video with music. Bring forward the text editor and free associate with the image in the web browser. When ready, switch images in the browser. Free associate about that image or what is in the video. Continue this process, composing until finished with the images or ready to stop. Try to keep things moving.

Save your file in mp4 format. Open it quickly in RUSH and crop the edges and make any adjustments, and then export it again in mp4 format. 

When finished, decide if you want to share the finished product. If so, upload it to YouTube or Vimeo, and then add a comment on this posting with the address.

For homework, complete the storyboard for your visuals and storytelling reflection project.
