Reflection Videos

Posted on Mon, 02/18/2019 - 12:09 by Daniel Anderson

Watch the videos linked below, and then add a comment discussing the points you would like to make as you discuss your work on our first two projects:

A reflection about scholarship and video poetry

A reflection about learning and working styles

A reflection about moving from traditional to alternative scholarship



Logan Membrino

I liked all of the videos and appreciated how each one came from a different viewpoint. I found the third video interesting because it compared and contrasted the difference between writing a formal paper for an English course versus creating a multimedia project. I feel that the multimedia projects create more room for creativity given the lack of restrictions in the assignments. I also enjoyed the first video where the student talked about her whole project and walked through the process from beginning to creation. A student explaining why they chose to create a certain project they way they did gives more insight to their personal viewpoint and creativity. 




I really enjoyed watching these reflection videos. It was interesting to see how each student approached this project a little bit differently. I think it was helpful to see three different examples so that I can apply what I did and did not like to my story board. Moving forward with my project, I plan to make my video about my Instagram stories. This was my favorite project so far and  one that I created several different versions of before posting my final draft. I look forward to explaining how I went about creating my stories and what I learned about the attention span of a social media user today.


I thought these videos were super helpful and showed me a variety of reflection video styles that I can apply to my own video. I plan on making a reflection video of my Instagram stories. I thought this project was very relevant and I learned a lot about portraying thoughts and ideas through social media. In my video I will discuss what I posted, how I posted it, and why. Additionally, I will discuss what I learned from this social media project and how it will impact my future postings. 


I found these videos to be an interesting take on reflection videos. Each of these videos presented a slightly different style from each of which I will take several aspects from. I plan on mainly focusing on my video poem project for my reflection video. In my video, I will focus a large portion of time on why I chose specific clips paired with parts of the poem. Moreover, I will discuss the addition of the audio and certain sounds included from the video clips. Finally, I will wrap up my reflection with a discussion of traits I found to be particularly helpful and what I learned along the way.


This was very interesting. I particularly enjoyed the second video, especially the comedy in it... it contributed to the happy and relatable kind of vibe. I obviously don't want to spend as much time as he did talking about the mental/psychological struggles of creating my project, but it was definitely cool to hear. I think I will include some of that in my work. I am actually not completely sure which project I want to focus on. I believe a video on my epoem would be helpful since I used a different software. If I do that, there are plenty of things I could discuss, particularly the inspiration behind it. I would also discuss how I chose the videos, how I used iMovie to put them together, how I grabbed the audio, and all of the other design aspects. I would then talk about how I experimented and learned how to do a split screen, which is a cool new discovery for me. On the other hand, I'm also tempted to do the instagram stories, so I guess I need to decide soon! 

Will Gollnick

I found the perspectives in all three of these videos to be pretty interesting. I agreed with the third video's point that contrasted this sort of project from a traditional English essay. As we move forward with our own videos, I plan on focusing in on my video poem. It was my favorite project thus far, and I feel as though I can explain my editing process most successfully for that project.


These were really helpful to see and will definitely assist in the making of my storyboard. I think I'm going to focus on my video poem for the reflection, as this was my favorite of the two projects. The video poem was really right up my alley in terms of previous work and experience. I'm looking forward to discussing my thought process on selecting the poem I did and the meaning behind both the visuals and effects that were used. I'm actually really glad that we have the opportunity to do a reflection like this because it allows for us to further explain details of our work that might otherwise go unrecognized to the average audience member.

Ryan Wayne Saunders

I believe all three videos were interesting and spectacular by demonstrating their projects, but, in my opinion, the first video concerning the awakening was the most insightful. First, her tone was clear and coherent which made the video flow properly and projected a sense of confidence. In addition, I enjoyed the beginning of her video because she clearly pointed out her inspiration for the book in a chronological manner. Furthermore, I think her speed was excellent because I could clearly read or comprehend the words or images on the screen, which was a critique of the one we watched in class as a group. In the second portfolio video, my favorite scene was when he compared learning to play the guitar to pushing past your comfort zone in the video poem. Overall, these three videos gave me a better sense of how to accurately create my video and how to portray myself in a confident and appropriate manner.


After watching the videos, I have a better understanding of the assignment and sense of what I would like to talk about in my video.  If I focus on my e-poem, I would talk about why I chose the poem, and go through my process of making the video from the bottom up; and I think that would be worth talking about because I worked in a very structured form, by adding the piece and then the words and then the music. I also would talk about how I selected the kinds of elements I wanted, such as the videos, images, and audio. I also would discuss my goals of the e-poem; for example, I wanted to create a video that was simple and calming for viewers. I also would talk a little about my revising process, especially the challenge of mixing still images and video.


I found these videos to be interesting and also quite helpful in providing possible ideas on how I want to approach my reflection video. Before watching the video, I was quite confused as to how I would even start. But after watching the film, I would first discuss about my e-poem: how I chose the poem, which visualizations came up to my mind when I first read the poem, and the refined visualizations that was processed in my head after reading it multiple times. After talking about the poem itself, I will then move on to the techniques I used for Adobe Rush and how I came to the final product I had. Overall, this reflection project will be difficult, but I am hopeful that it will turn out great.

Eron Lutterman

I am looking forward to being able to make a reflection like these videos, especially because I lost my second revision of my video poem. I am going to use this reflection as an opportunity to explain what I changed and revised for my second version of the video poem since I never had the chance to show it! During the process of the entire project, I overcame several problems and had to navigate through different types of shortcuts and workarounds that changed the final product significantly and so I will have a lot to say about that and explain about my learning process. I think it is that trial-by-error learning process that the third video is getting at in terms of alternative scholarship and that is something I really value.


All the videos were very distinct. While I did not relate to some, the production levels were good with nice editing. I could tell that a lot of thought was put into them. For my video I want to focus on the idea of “theme” and how I formulated my creations around various themes.


I am looking forward to making my reflection video because I find it interesting to explain the creative processes involved every step of the way. In my video I want to focus on the parts I had the most trouble with and to compare my original video to my revised video similar to the third video but in the style of the first.

Ariana Ceja Sotelo

What I like about reflection videos is that you can go back and explain your process so that the person viewing, has more of an understanding as to why you did what you did. Like there could be some aspect of your work that someone didn't understand and doing the reflection, gives them the opportunity to hear the thought behind it so then maybe it will make more sense. These videos were different styles, so it'll be interesting to see which style mine falls under. 

Casie Hahn

I was inspired by the different possibilities that these videos represented. It got me thinking about what my takeaways were from my e-poem project and what areas I struggled in were. I think this reflection video will give me the opportunity to explain nuances that may have been missed in my original project and also express my thought process and what I tried to achieve. I enjoy these projects because they're so open-ended, which truly brings a sense of individualism and creativity that is different in each person's projects. 

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