Between Page and Screen

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Great Job! For the intro paragraph when you transform that to the next step in our project, I would consider using snagit and running through all those steps you list -- because a visual of each of those steps would fit really nice. 

Also, you're a great creative writer so my advice for the next step of the project is really just to like go full force with that -- you clearly have a huge vocabulary and are a very skilled writer -- don't hold anything back! Describe the shit out of the scenes and go into details because your writing is really pleasing to read.

Overall, very unique concept - I'm excited to see the next step of the project!

Hi Carly,

I really loved reading your DH Report! I think your creative writing skills are superb. You managed to make your DH project and the subsequent research on the subject interactive for the reader, similar to how this augmented reality is interactive for the user. Also, I liked the way you played with the footnotes; they managed to bring new information to the story, without you having to include these details in the narrative. I didn’t have any questions or confusion while reading since you did a great job of fleshing everything out. Possibly, you could add more details on the background or history of augmented reality if you’d like to, but that’s the only thing I could think of that you could add onto this piece. I would say most of the details needed were present! Overall, great job, and I am excited to see where you go with this!

Good luck!!

--Natalie Perez