#MeToo Movement

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Hi Phoebe, 

I really enjoyed reading your DH Report! I think the background and results you provided on the #MeToo Movement were vital to the piece. It was easy to follow the sequence of events and how they impacted society, and overall, I think these details will be important to the video report. I didn’t have any questions or confusion while reading, but I would like to know more about the actual tweets within the #MeToo Web Archives Collection! I think you provided lots of great details about the hashtag and the posts, but it may be possible to incorporate the texts of these posts within the video report in more detail. Overall, this was a fabulous report, and I am excited to see where you go with this!

Good luck!!

--Natalie Perez

I thought the report was very clear and discussed a very important way something like Twitter can be used in a public way to invoke change. I agree with Natalie's comment that I would have liked to see actual tweets from the web archive, an aspect I think could be easily introduced in your video report if you want to go that direction. My report also focuses a lot on Twitter, so I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on certain things!