Completion Tasks and Checklist

Posted on Mon, 11/18/2019 - 16:12 by iamdan

As we move into the final weeks of the course, we will devote ourselves to revising projects and developing our portfolios. Here is a list of the items to work on:

Portfolio video. Complete your storyboard. Use the storyboard to determine whether and how to capture any revision or "process" activities associated with the tasks below. Compose a draft of your portfolio video. Upload the video to YouTube or Vimeo, and then copy the address to submit it before class on Monday November 25th. Revise the portfolio and submit it use the revised portfolio video option. Embed both portfolio videos into your portfolio.

Twitter Report and revisions. Check that you updated your report based on feedback. You can also do a final polishing of the report if you have already revised it. For the portfolio, Use the revisions tab to create links to key versions of the report. Use a screen shot or two to integrate samples for discussion into the portfolio.

Audio essay. Make sure that you have revised the audio essay based on feedback. You should be able to access the drafts and the revisions. I will show you how to embed both files into your portfolio. You may want to also include screen shots and other materials in the portfolio.

Podcast. Download the rough audio capture of your group's podcast. Open the podcast in audacity and edit it. Use noise reduction, amplification, etc. to clean up the sound. Fix glitches with intro music or clips. Once edited, export as mp3 or wav file, and then upload to our web site using the edited podcast option. I will show you how to add the player to your portfolio.

App Argument. Before revising, duplicate your project so you have draft materials available. Revise the project based on feedback, and then Share it for Review--getting the link. For your portfolio, include the link to the draft version of the app. Also include the link to the revised version.

Meme images. Complete all three of your meme images and upload them to our web site. For your portfolio, do two things: 1) look over all of the meme images that have been submitted by the class, and then choose one meme image that you think best resonates with concerns related to internet argument. Add that image to your portfolio and discuss your rationale; 2) choose one of your own meme images that you would like to revise. Use the revised meme image option on our web site to upload it. Integrate all of your meme images into the portfolio.

Animated GIFs. Complete both of your animated images and upload them to our web site. For your portfolio, do two things: 1) look over all of the animated images that have been submitted by the class, and then choose one meme image that you think best resonates with concerns related to internet argument. Add that image to your portfolio and discuss your rationale; 2) choose one of your own animated images that you would like to revise. Use the revised animated GIF option on our web site to upload it. Integrate all of your animated images into the portfolio.

Portfolio. Integrate artifacts from all of the items about into the portfolio. Also integrate any improv projects and comments. Draft and revise your reflections. Polish the look and feel as well as the language. Submit the portfolio by the end of our final exam: 7:00PM on Dec 6th.