Twitter Analysis Report

Posted on Thu, 08/22/2019 - 18:26 by Daniel Anderson

Submit a web-based argument/report (the equivalent of about three pages in a double spaced, 12pt font) in which you discuss aspects of discourse on Twitter associated with a hashtag that you have studied. You can offer an "online argument" in the report by making claims about 1) the community of users associated with the hashtag, 2) the kinds of discourse and argument that takes place in the conversation, and 3) topics, concerns, and broader aspects of the community or conversation that you have discovered. 

Before beginning the argument/report, be sure to have completed the twitter coding assignment

As you compose your analysis, think about how you can use:

  1. charts that you have created from your coding analysis
  2. embedded tweets for close reading
  3. images or screen shots

You will integrate these into the posting that you compose. Think about how these materials might help you to develop a report that responds to questions like: 

  • What can be said about the community of users posting tweets with the hashtag(s) you have studied?
  • What rhetorical strategies do users employ in their conversations about the topic?
  • What does the online conversation tell us about aspects of argument on the internet?
  • What limits are there to the analysis?

You can take up other questions, but these should give you some good angles to work with. You can also provide a section detailing the "methods" you have deployed to create your analysis.

Compose your report using the twitter analysis report posting type that is part of our web site. 

You can begin composing the report at any time but I will go over the logistics on Friday, August 30th. Be sure to save the posting or draft big chunks of text in another program to protect your work. 

Submit the draft by Sunday, September 8th at 9:00AM.