Posted on Wed, 08/28/2019 - 17:51 by Daniel Anderson

Friday, 8-30

Today, we will go over the steps required to create some basic charts using our tweet analysis data. These will allow us to create visuals somewhat like these. Follow these steps:

First, standardize all of the entries in your spreadsheet: 

Posted on Wed, 08/28/2019 - 16:00 by Daniel Anderson

Wednesday, 8-28

Today, we will continue to work on our coding of spreadsheets, adding a few new tasks that will prepare us for composing a report on what we've found.

First, we will look over an example of some coding-in-progress.

Once we have brainstormed about strategies for continued coding, we will spend about twenty minutes doing a partner-based exercise to think refine our categories and codes. I will provide a handout for this.

Posted on Mon, 08/26/2019 - 15:13 by Daniel Anderson

Monday, 8-26

Today, we will go over quickly our reading from last night.

We will then begin the process of identifying codes and categories for our analysis of tweets. Hopefully, you are already making good progress with a topic and corpus of tweets related to a hashtag. If you are still fine tuning the initial stages of collecting tweets, you may need to repeat these steps once you have your final spreadsheet in place. We will spend the first five minutes of class making sure everyone has a spreadsheet ready.

Posted on Thu, 08/22/2019 - 18:26 by Daniel Anderson

Twitter Analysis Report

Submit a web-based argument/report (the equivalent of about three pages in a double spaced, 12pt font) in which you discuss aspects of discourse on Twitter associated with a hashtag that you have studied. You can offer an "online argument" in the report by making claims about 1) the community of users associated with the hashtag, 2) the kinds of discourse and argument that takes place in the conversation, and 3) topics, concerns, and broader aspects of the community or conversation that you have discovered.