Today, we will quickly examine a sample from our first report project and go over any class logistics.
Next, we will review the individual piece of the unit that we will submit on Monday.
Next, we will conduct a brief exercise aimed at making the podcasts more conversational. I will guide us as we work with some quotes and links:
“We know this from basic physics. When water heats up, it expands. So when the ocean warms, sea level rises. When ice is exposed to heat, it melts. And when ice on land melts and water runs into the ocean, sea level rises” (Nasa)
Rising seas, transition to melting ice [Questions to Joe: where is this happening? What is significance, why matter?]
Question to Tyler [How bad is it?]
Transition to What does this mean to us, as individuals or communities: Quote (The Independent): “They suggested people eating the fish examined in this study, which are often dried and sold across Malaysia and neighbouring countries, could consume up to 246 pieces of microplastic a year.”
Transition to Attitudes [Question to Olivia: So how do people's attitudes factor in?]
Quote: “Research has shown individual differences in belief superiority, conservatism, political ideology, political party identification, and certainty impact perceptions and extremity of climate change attitudes” (Odea, Bueno, Saucier, 2018).
Question: How do we get citizens to realize that climate change is a result of our attitudes and not just scientific fact? What would be the most effective method to spread the word that the world will die if a change is not made?
After we have, experimented with this free-flowing version, we will discuss strategies for working with the medium of conversation.
Next, we will select the order or our presentations.
Finally, we will split back up into groups and continue working to revise our scripts and performances. Here is the order of podcast performances for the rest of the week.
For homework, continue to research your aspect of your topic, either getting information for your reflection and report or building up you knowledge for the podcast.
Below are some items we will review if we have time: