Rough Draft of E-poem

Posted on Wed, 01/23/2019 - 15:29 by Ryan Wayne Saunders



Ryan, this was really cool and professional looking! The beginning was particularly good when the images were changing quickly with the music. I loved the variety of images you used, for it is very clear that you put a lot of time into it! Really well done! My only suggestion would be to crop the pause/play/screen recorder/curser parts in the videos. Super easy fix! I also think having a more uniform sound throughout would be more impactful, but that is personal preference. Overall, this is great!


I liked how you used the black and white theme throughout, it really helped to create a sense of consistency and it emphasized the content of the poem. I agree that getting rid of the pause/play menu would help a lot in making the video look better. I definitely liked your video selection for this, as well as how you chose to display the text of the poem. 


The visual imagery has a nice complexity in the opening segment. There are a couple of glitches or ghosts with some of the clip capturing. I wonder about the framing of the various clips on the canvas; at around 18secs the transition from the box on screen is awkward, and then in some parts the imagery is full screen and in others there are the black letterboxes. Cropping and resizing can help you get things lined up how you want, and you can think about when and where to deliver the text bits depending on whether you go full screen or go for a letterbox frame. In general, working on the transitions will help with the flow. You can also make edits to rework the pacing--e.g., the clip and text on screen beginning at 1:23 seems to linger a bit longer than necessary. Once the transitions are cleaned up, you can work on the timing to adjust things as you want. The sound in the clip at around 2:00 adds a cool sonic interest, but the levels can be dropped down to weave the sounds better with the music. The mix of imagery and the cold, dark, weather-related feel are all coming through nicely, so these steps with the editing and polishing will make it even stronger. Nice work.