Today we will do some work on our portfolios before turning to our final video projects.
We will start by creating the portfolio posting, and then I will guide you through entering the video and audio players into the portfolio. If you are missing any assignments, you will have to sit tight and then add them when completed.
We will start with our video poems. First we will look over
the drafts and embed the video poem for the draft.
Next, we will embed the revisions of the video poem.
Next, we will learn how to add an image and create a link.
First, we will download and then add an image. Use this link to experiment with downloading an image
Next, we will use the portfolio video storyboard and scripts to find our scripts and storyboard links. We will then add them to the portfolio.
Finally, we will add some of our audio players.
We will need
- The audio essay drafts
- The audio essay revisions
- The podcasts
Once we have these pieces in place, you can turn toward working on your audio storytelling video, which is due on Monday the 22nd.