
Posted on Mon, 04/15/2019 - 15:50 by KaylieG

When making my audio essay and podcast one of the biggest differences that I noticed was the purpose of the composition. For the audio essay, I wanted it to sound conversational so that it wasn't boring and monotone but I also needed it to be concise and informative. Whereas the podcast was an opportunity to have a lengthier conversation between two people about the same topic. I think that the podcast allowed for more creativity and freedom where as the audio essay was limited. However, I will argue that I found the audio essay more appropriate to convey the research I found and less opinion. I found it easier to work with an audio essay because I had written a detailed script that contained everything I wanted to say. But with the podcast I found it difficult to come up with things to say off the cusp because I wasn't sure what my roommate was going to say when I asked her a question.