A Tale of Two Soundscapes

Posted on Mon, 02/25/2019 - 12:15 by Daniel Anderson

Listen to the audio essay at the link below, and then add or respond to a comment with your thoughts:



Logan Membrino

I really liked how the author of this podcast was able to tell her whole story in a clear and concise way. The background sounds of the soundscape make the project great in my opinion. The authors description as well as the background noise was able to give more of a description of what is going on in the story and the environment around the creator. I liked how the difference in soundscape was both told through storytelling and background soundscape noises. 


At first I found the loud sound very annoying. Then as time passed and she was telling her story, I found it interesting when she said, "I became used to the noise". Then it dawned on me that I wan't annoyed with the ambiance at that point and intead of being annoyed I felt like I was really there. The sounds put us in the world she was living in and made her words more impactful. 


I really enjoyed this podcast for several reasons. First, the added sounds from different environments complemented her voice and engaged me very well. It seemed to add a layer of depth that is lacking in many podcasts. Second, she paced herself very well on the podcast. It was very easy for me to listen to and follow along. Last, she did not ramble when speaking. She was very concise and straight to the point, so the audience did not lose attention. 


I thought this was a super cool thing to listen to. The sound really, really contributed to the story. I would argue it even made the story. It's interesting how many sounds are around us all the time that we just seem to shut out on a daily basis. At the beginning, I related to her on a lot of fronts, because I hate the city. My mom and sister live in NYC, so I visit often, and the sounds are truly overwhelming... and I know my sister used to feel this way too. However, after living there for years, she loves it and feels at home there. It's amazing how many things can make us feel like we are "home." Overall, this was a very interesting piece that I enjoyed a lot.


This podcast was interesting to listen to because of the additional sounds she added in the background. I have never listened to a podcast with additional sounds so I thought this was a really creative addition to her podcast. Also, I noticed that her sentences were short and to the point and she often took breaks to give the listener a chance to comprehend what she had just said. Her podcast was easy to listen to, which made me want to keep listening. The combination of additional sounds and a direct sentences made this podcast successful. 


I really liked this podcast. I don't think I would've been interested in this if it was an actual reading. But listening to the podcast with my headphones allowed me to feel as if she was talking next to me. Another way it felt so real was the subtle background noises that existed as the narrator was speaking. The cars passing by, wind, iPod sounds, and sounds of nature helped me to feel more immersed into the podcast.

Casie Hahn

This podcast was unlike any other I've heard. The narrative is really elevated by the soundscapes and engaged me more than other podcasts have in the past. It was interesting because the nature sounds and especially the crickets were the most noticeable and at times annoying sounds. She clearly made that point that the nature sounds were deafening by increasing the volume of the clips. But there was always a smooth transition from one sound to the next. By listening to the constant changing sounds the listener goes on the journey with the narrator. 


I thought the authors use of sound was extremely effective in this audio essay. I liked how the author allowed us first to experience the drastic change she experienced, by simply playing the contrast of sounds she heard, instead of just explaining them. I thought it was very interesting how at the end, when she went back to the mountains, she felt the same kind of noise disturbance as when she moved to Pittsburgh. I found it interesting that in the beginning when she introduces us to the Mountains, she talks about how the only sound she ever hears is crickets. However, when she goes back, she notices just how loud the leaves and birds are, and she allows the listener to experience the sounds she heard too.


This was a really powerful essay/podcast. The background noises playing throughout was a unique touch that kept me engaged while listening; however, I feel it needs to be pointed out just how well-constructed the story is. Her use of language gave me a vivid picture of what was going on at all times, and the sounds included were just an added bonus. In addition, her pacing allowed for parts of the story to be taken in with strides and digested fully. I felt more connected to the story when presented in this way, as opposed to her just reading an essay straight-through to the listener.


This audio essay reminded me of narration in a movie by one of the protagonists as they reflect on the life-changing events. Or, have you ever listened to - not a podcast - but a narrative essay on NPR? It was similar to that, except the consistent use of sounds was this audio essays strongest sensory element. The sounds kept me grounded in the frame of the story; it kept my mind from wandering off if she simply narrated without sound. I loved her conciseness and organization of the story - I think her words were the blood of the story, but the sounds brought the body of the essay - the words - to life.  


I thought that this was a very interesting idea as a project and it was very successful in communicating the authors thoughts and feelings about the environments that she lived in. I liked how it combined the soundscapes with her own narration about her life, it really made me feel connected to what she was saying. We definitely take the background noises in our lives for granted, and sitting back and reflecting on what we hear in our surroundings and taking meaning from these things can definitely be a useful exercise. The contrast between the sounds of nature and sounds of city life was another interesting aspect of this podcast/audio essay. 

Ariana Ceja Sotelo

The cricket sounds along with the others were somewhat distracting and I found myself having to constantly change the volume as I went along, which was inconvenient and annoying. However, the sounds very much helped her to get her point across. Her story telling was very descriptive as well. 

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