This is Just to Say

Posted on Mon, 01/14/2019 - 02:59 by jaquezponton
Your poem
I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold



By William Carlos WIlliams


Logan Membrino

Jaquez, I really liked the beginning video you chose with the plums, your audio selection and the effects with the words on the screen. Maybe you could add a few more videos into the piece as well as animations or filler pieces to make the video slightly longer.  


Jaquez, I really liked this! The use of sound was awesome and not something I've seen before. I agree with Logan that maybe a few more videos would help the overall presentation. Additionally, I think maybe the final image being a more relevant image for the overall poem would help leave the viewer with a lasting impact. Overall, really cool!


I liked how you used the sound effects in this, particularly at the end of the poem. I'm not sure if we had different ideas of the text of the poem, but I thought the dramatic music in the background didn't really match with the content in the poem. That could just be down to how we interpreted the poem, though. I also liked the video at the beginning showing the plums, and I agree that adding more videos might like that might help overall. 


The black screen creates a nice opening for the piece. I also like the clip of the man looking in and then closing the refrigerator. I feel like that clip might be moved to be a bit closer to the And which you were probably saving for breakfast clip. I almost feel like the clip with the ice might be swapped out. Maybe something symbolizing loss. Maybe melting ice? The use of sonics is very engaging at the end. I wonder if a more subtle hint of that in the early segments is worth experimenting with. The fade out might be a bit more quick. I wonder if getting the title of the poem into the piece can be done. You could add it at the beginning, but it might be interesting to have it close out the piece. Or maybe it can be brought in sonically in the early stages. Looking forward to seeing some more edits and the next version. I enjoyed this very much.