A Story That Could Be True by William Stafford

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briannachan Mon, 03/25/2019 - 14:46

I love your video poem. The atmosphere is very cinematic, in part because of the black and white clips and the orchestral music in the background. This complements the professional narration of the work as well.

A suggestion that may enhance your video is to add the poem text (maybe as movie subtitle text style to build on the cinematic feel of your project!) so that the audience can better follow along with the meaning of the work as a whole. This may not only add to the visual aesthetics of your video poem, but it could possibly allow the message of the poem to be conveyed more fully.

Overall, I think that your video is incredible! You are always killing it with your projects!

maureenosei Wed, 03/27/2019 - 01:49

I liked your video poem a lot! The way the scheme shifted from black and white to color was a good way to depict the mood progression of the poem, and I liked how the different clips that you chose were both literal and abstract. I also liked how you used a voiceover rather than words on a screen, but the only issue with that is it becomes a little hard to follow along. I would suggest adding the poem's words, but making them fairly small so that it doesn't detract from your awesome visuals. Overall, great work!

iamdan Wed, 03/27/2019 - 14:21

I like the aesthetic of the piece and the stark imagery. The poem fits well with this imagery. I'm not sure how I feel about the vocals in the reading. It has a nice flow and a certain power to it, but the computer tone is also in some ways drawing attention to itself. The editing does well at keeping the pacing moving. The editing and imagery are all working together quite well, so experimenting with the audio segment might guide you as you work on revisions. Nice work. 

hlewis13 Fri, 03/29/2019 - 00:39

Your video poem was awesome! The black and white clips really enhanced the cinematic feel. I also agree that adding subtitles could be beneficial and maybe changing the speed at which some of the images and videos are projected. Overall this is great and I am excited to see it all come together!