Thursday, Jan 23

Today, we will start with some performative composing that brings together humans and machines. In our reading from Tuesday, Drucker suggested that the sciences are declarative and the humanities are perfomative. Let's conduct an exercise to think about how often that is the case. Follow these steps:

First, if you haven't already done so, download and install the Snagit software application. Open the application and explore the Video capturing mode, making sure to get it set up to capture video, with no microphone, and with system sound. (You may need to add a helper add-on to get the system sound working.)

Next, download this image file: 1920X1080, and then open it on you laptop.

Next, open a web browser and size it to match the dimensions of the image.

Next, go to google in the browser. While in google, increase the zoom on your browser so the search field is big and legible.

Next, brainstorm to identify a noun that describes an emotion and that completes this phrase: We learn ______. E.g., you might pick anger, love, sadness, angst, which would give you, We learn angst, etc.

Next, in the same browser window, open a new tab and go to YouTube. Spend a short time looking for some music that you feel resonates with the emotion you have identified. Load the video with that emotion, and play it a moment, then rewind it to the start to make sure any ads clear and it is ready to go.

Next, open a third browser tab and open a google doc in that browser. On your document, set the font to a large legible size and center it with some returns so that it is ready to type in the middle of the browser window. This video shows the set up:

Next, you will perform using your screen recorder and your browser. Start the recorder and select Video, Region, System Sound. (The first time it might ask you to tweak your access settings; you may have to start over.)

Start with the google search and type your phrase, and then ": a short film" (e.g., We learn angst: a short film).

Jump to your music tab and start your soundtrack.

Jump back to your google search and delete the phrase ": a short film" and then hit enter to run your search.

Switch to the Images in your search result and browse through them to make a point.

Switch to your google doc and conduct some improve typing using either the prompt: "And I have also learned. . . ." or "But I have learned. . . ." Type until you feel comfortable, and then stop your recording using the SnagIt shortcut or controller. In the Editing window that appears, you can do some minimal cutting to trim things up.

When ready, use the Share option and Choose File to save your film as an mp4 file on your computer.

When finished, upload the file (if it is not too large) to our web site using the Improv Video option. Here is a sample.

We will spend about thirty minutes on this activity. If it doesn't work out or you don't want to share the results, no problem. Once we have finished, you will work in your groups for the rest of class on your DH Report Stories.

For homework, complete this reading assignment.