Wednesday 12-4 LDOC

Posted on Wed, 12/04/2019 - 18:01 by iamdan

Today we will wrap up in-class activities. Our main aim will be to ensure that everyone is up to speed on remaining tasks. 

Recall that our final is on Friday the 6th from 4:00-7:00PM. All materials are due by 7:00PM on Friday. If you have completed your portfolio, you can check that it is saved on the site, and then send me a notification. You can also come to class for extra help. 

For more details on final tasks, you can refer to our checklist and to the portfolio assignment

Finally, before concluding we will look over an example of a portfolio in progress.

Between now and the end of our final exam, be sure to check on the status of your projects and communicate any questions or concerns.