Friday 11-22

Posted on Fri, 11/22/2019 - 16:21 by iamdan

Today, we will look over a couple of extra video portfolio examples:



We will next review the process of posting the draft of your portfolio video. Here are the steps:

  • Share your video from Adobe RUSH as an mp4 file.
  • Upload the video to YouTube of Vimeo. (If you have a google account you can use it for YouTube or you can create an account on either platform.) Make sure the video is publicly available.
  • Copy the address of the video once it has been posted.
  • Use this link to open the Portfolio Video Draft posting, and then paste in the link and Save the posting.
  • Upload your video before class on Monday.

Once we are comfortable with the portfolio video process, we will look at an example of one of our portfolios to think about their progress.

Once we have reviewed these projects, you can use the time remaining to work on your portfolio video or other items in our checklist

For homework, post your portfolio video draft before class.