Portfolio Video Trent Lupton

Posted on Mon, 11/25/2019 - 20:09 by trentlupton
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The tone of the narration is working well, and the audio quality is great. At around 1:18. I wonder if cutting and zooming in on the Biden tweet would be good to add visual variety. In general more pausing and shifts in the visuals might be good for the twitter segment. Or, maybe it's more the timing--e.g., the emotions of the tweets discussion occurs before the scroll to the bar graph. Getting the images lined up more with the points and sitting with some of them longer will help. At around 2:17 you might build in a transition. At around 3:10, I feel like finding some materials that show editing or trimming of the script would be good. I also wonder about the visuals on screen after about 3:26 and for the closing segment. Cutting to audacity sooner, might make sense. And seeing the finished audio essay toward the end might be good. The points are all strong and the narration is working well, so spending time swapping out or fine tuning what is on screen and linking it more clearly to narrative points will take it to the next level. Nice work.