App Argument

Posted on Thu, 10/31/2019 - 05:02 by reaway17



I like the news app approach. The and the text-heavy articles are bit hard to read on screen. On slide 8 the link to Pocahontas facts seems to be off. I like where this is going. I feel like the effect is still not working quite right when we get to screen 10. I get that now the facts have shifted to a kind of fake news. I think addressing some of the font and readability of the text might be done in conjunction with fine tuning the effect at the end. I wonder if adding more realistic source look and feel on the screens--maybe a banner from different news sources--might give more of a news feel to the screens and allow you to create a slight variation to signal a bit more that something has shifted on slide 10. Perhaps changing the text on the buttons and using news logos, etc. can ramp up the news feel. Also, at the end, I am not sure the argument about algorithms determining things. Perhaps tweaking the opening to spell that out more explicitly. Also, along the way, maybe expand on the suggested for you to something like. I see you are interested in American Indian culture. Here are some articles you might like. In terms of design, fitting everything on the slides might mean distilling the information down a bit. Then adding a bit more explicit guidance with clues along the way should amplify the effects at the end. Nice work.