Social Media and Politics

Posted on Sun, 09/22/2019 - 23:37 by Danielle Kruchten

My main concern revolves around the extra audio that I use in this piece and whether it's integrated well. For revision, I will probably send it to a couple of friends to listen to and get feedback from an outside audience that doesn't really know the logistics of this project.



In terms of the additional audio you incorporated, I think the idea is really good and it has the potential to add a lot of value to your essay. However, as it is now, the extra audio can be a bit distracting and makes it hard to follow the narration. It could be improved by being quieter and maybe being placed in breaks between speaking rather than coexisting at the same time. I think your voice and the cadence of it work really well, though. 


I like that the piece use narration, music, and sound effects in the opening. I don't feel like they are working quite optimally yet. Maybe give the music a bit more time or lower/think about the sound effects and when they come in. The narration seems to be working well. And the transition into the first clip is handled nicely. You might add the first name before Parscale. I like the audio that is working beneath the dark advertising segment. It might be lowered just a tad, but it is working better for me than the opening segment. The second clip is also handled well. I think I may have suggested editing out the background about Zuckerberg for the third clip, but now I feel like knowing who is speaking would be good. I like the conclusion, and think the audio work there is on the right track. There is great content to the piece, and the tone is also working well, so these fine tunings will make it even stronger. Nice work.