Anthony - World Building (Basic)

Posted on Mon, 09/23/2019 - 04:34 by Annthony

This is the basic script of my audio essay. It's most of the things I plan to say during my final draft of the audio essay. For this basic script, I did not incorporate any of my already planned audio cues from YouTube. Those will be included in the final draft. It's a basic overlay of what will be my final draft. 



The narration does well to capture the aspects of world building. It might be that a bit of trimming of the script to just tighten things will make the narration flow a bit more quickly. You can do a bit of noise reduction on the final version of the narration. The end feels a bit abrupt. Once you have clips and other audio elements, it will be easier to get a sense of the whole composition. Eager to hear it all come together.