Audio Essay

Posted on Mon, 09/23/2019 - 18:15 by sc933


My voice was a little bit hoarse during the recording. I plan on adding one or two more background effects to the essay as well.



The audio samples that you used were well chosen and added to your essay in a great way. The turkish broadcast at the beginning is a great idea. Your narration set up the samples perfectly in that it wasn't forced or too direct. There was just a small lack of flow in in between your narration and the clips, which seems like a pretty easy fix.

Your comment above said you'd add more background noises which could help. However, be careful that they aren't too forced. The basketball sound effect used in the first half of the essay kind of came across that way. 

Honestly I thought your voice sounded fine. The tone of your voice was, at times, a bit rigid and uncomfortable, but it is not something to be too concerned about. 

The audio level of the mean tweets clip was a bit low. Maybe try to match its volume more with your narration.


The opening does a nice job of hooking the listener; I would fade in and out of it for smoothness. The information is clear and concise; however, it sounds a bit like it is being read aloud, so in re-recording aim for a more informal tone. I like that you are weaving in sound effects, but might make them a bit more subdued. The volume levels of the clips can be adjusted to make them come through more clearly--e.g., Jimmy Kimmel clip. The content and the clips are all good, so working on the quality of the narration and fine tuning the transitions, levels, and other audio elements will make it even stronger. Nice work.