This is What We Did in Our Class

The Road Down Katrina

Austin Shaw

Austin Shaw's screencast on The Road



[Music plays]

Text onscreen: He fixed dinner while the boy played in the sand.

[Zooms in on image of a hurricane on a radar-style screen.]

Text adds: He had a spatula made from a flattened foodtin and with it he built a small village.


[Video of hurricane satellite images]

Text adds: He dredged a grid of streets. The man walked down and squatted and looked at it. The boy looked up.


[Google Image search for "Hurricane Katrina"]

Text adds: The ocean's going to get it, isn't it? He said.

[Google Image search for "Hurricane Katrina ocean damage"]


Text adds: Yes.

That's okay.

Can you write the alphabet?

[Scrolling over images from Katrina damage]

Text adds: I can write it.

We don't work on your lessons anymore.

I know.

[Google image search results with messages from Katrina survivors]


Can you write something in the sand?

[Scrolling over images of writing in the sand]


Text adds: Maybe we could write a letter to the good guys. So if they come along they'd know we were here. We could write it up there where it wouldn't get washed away.


[Zoom in on image of a house with writing on the roof, shows pictures of flooding damage]

[Google image search for "Hurricane Katrina rescue," scrolls over pictures which enlarge.]

[Music plays and fades out]

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