Investigating Classic Horror Cinema via Data Mining, or the “Frankenstein Complex”

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I thought that the report was really interesting! I had never Project Arclight or Lantern before, so learning a little bit about those really cool.

The only real thing that lead to a bit of confusion for me was the flow in the middle of the report, specifically following the “What is the theorized relationship between classic horror cinema and queer spectatorship?” (this section was very interesting btw). The jump to MHDL and then to data mining those keywords like “queer” and “monster” made it feel like the MHDL was a little misplaced. Introducing Lantern and Arclight was definitely important since you used them later, but they broke up the focus for me slightly. 

After reading the report, I would like to see how this kind of thing could be applied to things beyond just the horror genre and how the difference could tell us even more about the marginalization you mentioned.