Thursday Feb 20

Today, we will conduct a brief exercise to get a feel for delivering our podcasts. I will guide us through the steps

Next, we will quickly listen to some samples:

After we have listened to and discussed these items, we will conduct an exercise to identify strategies for organizing the live performance. 

Next, I will go over some ways of basics of the Audacity audio editor. You can download the audacity audio editor here.

Also, please make sure that you have reserved a room for next Tuesday 9:30-10:30 in the undergrad library. Please add the location of your room to your google doc for the project.

We will spend the rest of the class working in our groups. I will also come around to make sure you are in good shape with the logistics.

For homework, be sure to create any media clips that you might include in the podcast and bring them with you to the library study room on Tuesday.