Typewriters to Typewriterds


The opening does well at using mixed imagery to grab the viewer's attention. The background music is also nice to pull people in, but the volume level should be lowered to help the narration stand out. The narration is also working well at providing details. In the final version, you can slow down the pace. It's fine if the video stretches out a bit. At around 0:27, the imagery has blurred legibility. You can zoom up the fonts and reshoot. The animations and imagery in other spots are working well. At around 1:10, the watermarks on the visuals are distracting; see if some alternative imagery can be found. You might also break up the longer segments of imagery. The word processor visuals are working well. At about 2:36 the text is also illegible. The MS word imagery is working well. At around 3:49, you might crop or work with the imagery to eliminate the black bar. At 4:20, you might try to get some more clear writely imagery; same for the word imagery and typewriter that come after. Most of these visual adjustments have to do with scale of the imagery or the capturing. The movement through the narration is working quite well. At 6:05 instead of digital humanities, you might say writing tools. Starting around 6:25, you can think about how to get some more variety into the visuals. You can add some montages or maybe move through the materials on screen, etc. Again, at 7:35 perhaps go with writing tools instead of digital humanities. For the final version, recapturing the narration with good pacing and clearness, and then spending time on getting the mix of background audio adjusted right--along with some visual fixes--will take this to the next level. Nice work.