Class Free Write

Posted on Mon, 12/02/2019 - 19:52 by hope

Follow these steps:

Choose one of the items below. Insert your cursor below the item, and then write about the projects in this class in terms of that item for four minutes.

Choose another of the items, and then write freely about the projects in this class in terms of that item for four minutes.

Choose a third item from the list. Without discussing directly the projects, write freely about the activities and processes experienced in this class in terms of that item for five minutes.

  • Creativity
  • Problem Solving
  • Critical Thinking

The audio-essay was really cool to think through, as you had to incorporate so many different elements to make it work. When you were writing the essay, it was really important to think about the way you would read it out loud. To take it a step further, you had to consider if it sounded scripted versus a conversational and authoritative piece. I think the hardest part of the project was incorporating the right sound clips at the right time. The timing was everything for this project, and I had to think about this aspect so much. If the background music faded at just the right time, or if my introduction piece actually fit into my message or not. You had to not only get the technical parts right but understand how your audience would consume them. 

  • Leadership
  • Communication
  • Collaboration

During the podcast activity, collaboration was key to the project. My group struggled with this aspect. We had one group member that wanted to dictate the entire project, but would not contribute to the group brainstorming efforts. When we had thought we reached a succinct conclusion, they made us backtrack again on the idea. Ultimately, we had to move forward as a group and try to keep good lines of communication open. We also had one group member not show up to the group meetings twice in a row, which was difficult to manage as we tried to incorporate their ideas without them being present. Overall, the key takeaway from this was learning not everyone wants to collaborate on the same level as you do-- and that's okay. 

  • Information 
  • Risk taking
  • Adaptability

I feel like this class delt with a great deal of adaptability within classroom activities. A lot of the software we used in class was an adapt as you go process. For audacity, I learned a great deal of information about that program. Whereas Photoshop, I got confused in class and had to go back later and find resources to teach myself the skills gone over in class. Sometimes, I felt that pacing myself with the class discussion was difficult, but I managed to be flexible with the tutorials and keep trying. Maybe there could be a way to follow on the screen a little bit more accessible? Like if you were to use a program that showed your clicks during in-class tutorials or allowed you to pre-record what you would do in class, so you could do more explaining of what is happening on the screen. 

  • Curiosity
  • Reflection
  • Motivation

Finally, choose one item from the list below. Write freely about the projects in this class in terms of that item for five minutes.

  • Logic versus emotions

The Twitter project was the gateway for me to release that a lot of people on the internet chose to argue with emotion rather than logic. A lot of passionate people get to pick and chose where they contribute to arguments on the Internet. Likely, the person will pick an argument they have an emotional connection to and contribute in that way.  Even so, it is harder to persuade someone their argument is right/wrong if they are so emotionally attached to it. Related in some way, I never considered how emotional arguing on the internet could become. For example, the podcast we listened to about the city sounds versus the rural bug sounds was so emotional to me. As someone who has moved around a lot, I understood the emotional connection to those sounds. It never dawned on me before this class how much we as societies contribute to our emotional health online. 

  • Role of visual, sonic, and textual media
  • Networks and social exchange