Dave's Reflection

Posted on Mon, 12/02/2019 - 19:52 by dave_cheema1

Follow these steps:

Choose one of the items below. Insert your cursor below the item, and then write about the projects in this class in terms of that item for four minutes.

Choose another of the items, and then write freely about the projects in this class in terms of that item for four minutes.

Choose a third item from the list. Without discussing directly the projects, write freely about the activities and processes experienced in this class in terms of that item for five minutes.

  • Creativity

The many projects completed throughout this course allowed students to express their creativity at a much deeper level than is allowed in most other college courses. When I think of the word "creativity", there is one specific project that comes to mind. This is the Meme project, in which students were prompted to create memes that were representative of some aspect of internet discourse. I felt that there was a lot free range in this project for me to actually get creative and think about how I could try to incorporate an aspect of internet arguments into an entertaining meme. Besides just the meme project, other tasks completed in this course also brought my creative side to light. Overall, I was delighted with how much I was allowed to explore my creativity in this course. 

  • Problem Solving
  • Critical Thinking
  • Leadership
  • Communication

In reference to the activities completed in class, communication was a key aspect. Being able to communicate freely with my peers as well as Professor Anderson allowed me to not only learn what revisions I should be making to own projects, but also how I could better myself and learn about how to more accurately convey arguments on the internet. 

  • Collaboration
  • Information 
  • Risk taking
  • Adaptability
  • Curiosity
  • Reflection

Reflection is a key part of this course. After completing each project, we were given time to reflect on the work of our peers and talk about what they did well as well as what they could improve on. In the final portfolio assignment, I feel like reflection came into play a lot. Pretty much the entirety of this assignment is centered around reflecting on all the work we have done in this course and trying to think of what key take aways there are about the content of internet arguments. 

  • Motivation

Finally, choose one item from the list below. Write freely about the projects in this class in terms of that item for five minutes.

  • Logic versus emotions

In many of the projects completed in this course, the topic of logic vs. emotions came into play. One project in particular that really highlights this topic is the Twitter Report. Throughout reviewing tweets about my own hashtag and the hashtags of my peers, I found that much of the discourse on Twitter revolved around the use of emotion rather than logic. People on twitter very rarely used statistics or factual data in the composition of their arguments, and would instead use emotional appeals to get their point across. 

  • Role of visual, sonic, and textual media
  • Networks and social exchange