Monday 9-30

Posted on Mon, 09/30/2019 - 15:20 by iamdan

Today we will do more hands-on work to prepare for our podcasts. We will split things into three segments: 

1) Making a Soundboard

First, in your group, make final decisions about the media clips you will use for the podcast. You should have several clips linked to the google doc. Review them together, asking the person who posted the clip to summarize and identify any possible segments to include. Identify the clips and timestamps for the segments of the clips that you want to include in the performance. Also make choices about any music or other ambient/effect sounds you want to include.

Next, either working together or designating a group member, create a sound board: Using strategies from the audio essay project, rip the appropriate clips and edit them to the concise segments you need. Transfer them all to a google folder or other location. Identify on group member to be the soundboard operator. Have that person collect all of the clips on her laptop, and stage them either in multiple media player or web browser windows.

2) Revising the Road Map

Working from your google doc, create a new file, and then translate all of the brainstorming and other materials into a one-page podcast road map document. Plan out the segments and movements of your podcast. Keep any large blocks of text or quotations out of this version of the document. Instead, use bullets, member's names, fonts, etc. to create a document that captures the planned movements through the podcast.

3) Create note cards

If you do need to read any quotations as part of the broadcast, translate them onto note cards. Also, each member of the group can use up to two note cards to sketch out any planning needed for individual segments or any quotations that might be read as part of the podcast.

After all of these tasks, you should have the sound board (and operator), the road map on one page, and any note cards that will be helpful. 

For homework, continue revising any materials and prepare to do a practice run. Before Wednesday, prepare your group for the following tasks:

  • One member will bring up and stage the media clips on a laptop for the soundboard and be ready to play them
  • One member will use Audacity and set up a laptop with an external microphone that I will provide for recording the podcast
  • The rest of the team will perform their segments of the podcast

This will be a private practice, so you just need to have all the pieces ready so you can approximate the public performance., which we will start on Friday.