After three years as a resource on the Web, I'm proud to announce that the most recent revision of
this site is underway. Since 1995, my students and I have created literary resources and placed them
on this site. In the intervening years, much has happened on the Web. To get a sense of where the
direction of Web based literary resources and texts might be heading, I invite you to check out an
interactive edititon of Sarah Orne Jewett's The Country of the Pointed Firs.
To get a sense of the development of student-created literature resources on the Web since 1995, take a look at three
- American Literature Survey Site
- The American Literature Survey Site was developed in the Spring of 1995. It contains student work,
interactive texts and more. It represents a snap shot of the web in early 1995, but is also the germ for this entire evolving site.
- An American Reader
- The American Reader was built in the Summer of 1996. This site is the outgrowth of a class in
which students selected their own readings and constructed an anthology. It provides both student
authorized works and interpretations.
You can also go directly to the materials at all the sites by using the index of all texts below